Sunday 5 August 2012

BEAUTY TIP OF THE DAY: removing glitter nail polish

As the blog name suggest im a sucker for anything sparkly or glittery and with all the summery weather I’ve rediscovered my love for glittery nails. Barry M has recently rebranded their glitter range and have started selling in the smaller superdrugs too, which is great for my nails but not so great for my student budget :(


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Last weeks glittery nails - trust me they did look less ugly scruffy when first done!
If there is one tiny tiny crisitm I have with glittery nails is that they take FOREVER to come off and I find that the glitter acts almost like sandpaper puling against my nails which could only be bad for them. It was only until a friend saw me struggling to remove my Barry M Pink irredecence last week that she decided to tell me an amazing way of removing glitter nails in less than 5 mins!

You will need:
Nail polish remover
Cotton wool pads
 Tin foil
      1. Cut pads into quarters and soak in polish remover you will need one for each nail
            2. Place pads on nail and wrap around a strip of tin foil to hold in place

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      3.Leave nail wrapped up for about 5 mins (3 would do but I use 5 just to be safe!)
      4.  Wiggle each “nail package” and slide off
           5.  Your nails should now be clean and ready for a new coat of polish!

I know It does seem like a long process but trust me it’s so much easier and less frustrating than scrubbing at your nails for hours.
Once again comment any question and feedback you have – I love hearing from you all.
I’ve been having a pretty lazy day here today and am just about to get ready for a girly evening with my best friend.

Have a lovely day,
<3 Tiff xxxxx

Wednesday 20 June 2012

Fruity fimo nails

Hey guys,
So I know I've been AWOL for a while but today I now face my first ever proper blog post.

I've actually got my first ever job tomorrow eeek! And it's predominantly on the computer so I thought I'd do my nails in hope of getting that cute secretary thing were the keyboard makes those cute (or in my sisters opinion) annoying noises! 

I thought as the weather was surprisingly  sunny today I would go for pink tips and to add a bit of cuteness I also tried out my first go with fimo fruit nail slices.
I got the nail slices really cheap from a place on EBay for around £2 which in my mind is an absolute bargain as there are so many you get and they come in a really nice box which separates them all too.
Luckily I am naturally blessed by having nails that grow very long without getting skanky and breaking but if you wanted to try this idea on false acrylic nails it work just as well (I did it on my best friend using plain false nails which I got around 20 from the £1 shop)

At the time of doing my nails I wasn't planning on doing a blog post so that’s why I haven’t taken step by step photos so if you need further explanations just comment below and I’ll be happy to help.

1) Paint a base nude coat on all nails - I used Sally Hansen nude shimmer but collection 2000 seemed to work better on my friends as its more pinky and helps to blend the two pinks.

2 Using masking tape as an outline paint pink tips on each nail (I did this around 3 times) and I found it better to have a nail varnish which had gone slightly gloopy as it helps the fimo fruit to stick (you can leave a nail varnish pot ajar for about 10/15 minutes to achieve this effect)

3 whilst the pink tips are still sticky place the fimo fruit on the nail and hold in place using tweezers (I found it easier to use tweezers on myself but bare hands when doing others) and hold the fruit in place with a dotting tool until dry.

4) Once the nail is completely dry drop 1 drop of Sally Hansen diamond nails on each fimo fruit to ensure application

5) When the polish is dry coat the full nail twice all over in a clear top coat (preferably one of good quality) I used Barry m - clear

& voila fruit nails!

Saturday 28 April 2012

My first ever blog - ooh how exciting!!

Hi guys, (that's if anyone actually bothers to read my blog, which I really hope they do!) My names Tiffany and this is infact my fist ever blog and post that I've ever done so I'm rather excited and if you were wondering about the let's say odd design and colour scheme etc it's because I haven't really got to figuring out how to work out the design aspects etc so bare with!

I thought I'd give you all a little heads up on what this blogs going to be about and let you all know a little bit about me first as well. I'm your typical girly girl with an unhealthy addiction for hello kitty and nail art which I hope to be uploading some posts about very very soon. The main reason I started this blog was because I found out so much through others blogs about nail art, product reviews and beauty techniques that I thought Id like to give something back to all you bloggers and "get down with the kidzz" and share my experiences with products ranging in price and how the worked for me (the more expensive of which I nick form my mum so shh) and also nail art designs which I hope to upload weekly and if your lucky outfit designs too! I am currently studying for my GCSE's so I'm hoping for this blog to be like my own little meditation to keep me same I between revision during my breaks ahh!

So I was just wondering if you lot could give me some tips on how to excel in my blogging and what you have found works and doesn't work for you, and also what to do about copywrite policies?? And also cant seem to upload images :( It will be really appreciated as im so nervous about this still and I'm scared nobodys going to read it! comment below and I will reply. (ps I don't own this image) Tiff xoxo